Sunday 28th of April 2024

English Tamil

A strong attention from the United Nations on attacks on protestors

2022-07-23 8113


(Vimukti S. Rodrigue)


United Nations Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka Mrs. Hanna Singer Hamdy leaving a post on her Twitter account said that the United Nations is on a strong attention on the use of force to disperse the Galle Face protesters.

The note states that Journalists and Human Rights Defenders have the right to monitor protests and their activities and that should not be interfered. Mrs. Hanna Singer Hamdy also said that by trying to suppress the right to hold peaceful protests, the country's political and economic instability can get worse.

Mrs. Hanna Singer Hamdy pointed out that the only way forward is to go to a peaceful solution by consulting the people. The Sri Lanka office of the European Union leaving a post on its Twitter account said that the right to express opinions is very important in the current power transfer that is taking place in Sri Lanka.

The note states that it is impossible to imagine how restricting the right to express opinions can help find solutions to the current political and economic crisis in Sri Lanka. The way of how finding a solution for the present political and economic crisis can be linked to the limitation of expressing opinions, cannot be understood.  
